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Surrey County Road Relay Championships 1987 - 1988

Mens Road Relays, Battersea Park - 12 September 1987

Senior Men 6 x 2¾ miles

 Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5Stage 6
1Woking AC 'A' 01:20:40D Ford (9)13:58Terry Booth (4)13:21Tim Crossman (2)12:59Bob Roath (2)13:46C Hall (2)13:31Clive Hensby (1)13:05
2Boxhill Racers 'A' 01:20:57Ken Penney (3)13:30A Reilly (2)13:21Gary Ribbons (1)13:16D Morris (1)13:33Gordon Russell (1)13:42I Cousins (2)13:35
-Aldershot, Farnham & District AC 'B' *01:22:07Chris Payne (2)13:15S Bone (1)13:30L Presland (3)13:52T Davies (3)13:35J Grant (3)13:49M Woods (3)14:06
3Herne Hill Harriers 'A' 01:23:27J Stegner (13)14:07Tony Harran (8)14:14Mike Boyle (6)13:15E Cotton (5)14:06A Snowdon (4)13:59P Mayo (4)13:46
-Boxhill Racers 'B' *01:24:20Colin Parrack (8)13:57Barry Attwell (7)13:44Murray Reid (5)13:54J O'Brien (4)13:59Dave Cowan (5)14:08P Rowe (5)14:38
4Hercules Wimbledon AC 'A' 01:25:09Peter Clarke (1)13:13A Shryrane (5)14:16S Newton (4)13:47T Austin (8)15:17P New (6)14:00D Williams (6)14:36
-South London Harriers 'B' *01:26:22John Roberts (18)14:27Francis Upcott (11)14:11Adrian Iszatt (8)13:55Robin Firth (6)13:39B Owen (7)14:38Paul Mongan (7)15:32
5Ranelagh Harriers 'A' 01:26:31G Jones (7)13:52M Riley (3)13:16J Forrest (7)14:37S Clarke (7)14:47M Pearce (9)14:42J Smith (8)15:17
-Herne Hill Harriers 'B' *01:27:29J O'Sullivan (10)13:59S Ketsina (10)14:30M Harris (12)14:29R Jacobs (10)14:26W Shone (10)14:40Stan Allen (9)15:25
-Aldershot, Farnham & District AC 'C' *01:28:01S Crawte (17)14:23J Laker (9)14:01D Warner (11)14:31J Watts (13)15:20M Lawther (11)14:48M Murphy (10)14:58
-Metropolitan Police AC 'B' *01:29:48D Chinchen (22)15:30S Harvey (18)14:36E Thomas (15)14:20M Hickin (12)13:36M Valentine (12)16:33S John (11)15:13
6Waverley Harriers 'A' 01:29:55D Worsfold (4)13:43J Lowden (6)13:55I Camfield (14)16:10D Stephens (14)15:21P Finch (14)15:30R Thorne (12)15:16
-Ranelagh Harriers 'B' *01:30:12M Critchlow (5)13:49W Harvey (12)14:58G Whitston (13)14:47J Sperryn (15)15:36C Naisk (13)15:26R Auerback (13)15:36
7Thames Hare & Hounds 'A' 01:31:09A Gibbons (12)14:06R Turner (14)14:44W Snelgrove (9)13:56M Hope (11)15:15B Cane (15)17:08A Caseley (14)16:00
-Hercules Wimbledon AC 'B' *01:36:07I Isherwood (23)16:02G Turner (22)15:36M Ennis (20)15:44D Webster (19)16:39Pete Mulholland (16)16:14S Webb (15)15:52
-Mitcham & Sutton AC 'B' *01:38:48G Holt (20)15:05P Brown (20)15:32Michael Treadwell (17)14:36P Thatcher (17)16:01K Thatcher (18)20:30P Still (16)17:04
-Ranelagh Harriers 'C' *01:43:03L Ingold (21)15:24S Bird (21)15:29D Jenkins (19)16:12N Lewis (18)16:31J Hanscomb (17)17:00J Hills (17)22:27
-Belgrave Harriers 'A' DNFG McGurren (19)14:49M Bizio (13)14:00David North (10)14:05Matt Kinane (9)13:45D Anderson (8)14:26
-South London Harriers 'C' *DNFMartin Preston (16)14:22Nikolai Belcher (16)15:03S Newlands (16)15:20Mick Firth (16)15:59
-Woking AC 'B' *DNFH Workman (11)14:03A Lester (17)15:26A Pittock (18)17:00A Dippie (20)17:38
-Croydon Harriers 'A' DNFDon Faircloth (6)13:51Dave Bryant (15)15:07
-Hercules Wimbledon AC 'C' *DNFJ Artez (14)14:16K Snelling (19)16:09
-Ranelagh Harriers 'D' *DNFA Prosser (24)17:48Steve Rowland (23)15:26
-Aldershot, Farnham & District AC 'D' *DNFD Curwell (15)14:17

The number in brackets after an athlete's name is the team's position at the end of the stage.

Athletes and Teams shown with an * are non-scoring.

Individual Stage Times
Tim Crossman Woking AC12:59
Clive Hensby Woking AC13:05
Peter Clarke HerculesWimb13:13
Chris Payne AldershotF&D13:15
Mike Boyle Herne Hill H13:15
M Riley Ranelagh H13:16
Gary Ribbons Boxhill Racers 13:16
A Reilly Boxhill Racers 13:21
Terry Booth Woking AC13:21
Ken Penney Boxhill Racers 13:30
S Bone AldershotF&D13:30
C Hall Woking AC13:31
D Morris Boxhill Racers 13:33
T Davies AldershotF&D13:35
I Cousins Boxhill Racers 13:35
M Hickin Met PoliceAC13:36
Robin Firth South London13:39
Gordon Russell Boxhill Racers 13:42
D Worsfold Waverley H13:43
Barry Attwell Boxhill Racers 13:44
Matt Kinane Belgrave H13:45
Bob Roath Woking AC13:46
P Mayo Herne Hill H13:46
S Newton HerculesWimb13:47
M Critchlow Ranelagh H13:49
J Grant AldershotF&D13:49
Don Faircloth Croydon H13:51
G Jones Ranelagh H13:52
L Presland AldershotF&D13:52
Murray Reid Boxhill Racers 13:54
J Lowden Waverley H13:55
Adrian Iszatt South London13:55
W Snelgrove Thames H&H13:56
Colin Parrack Boxhill Racers 13:57
D Ford Woking AC13:58
J O'Sullivan Herne Hill H13:59
J O'Brien Boxhill Racers 13:59
A Snowdon Herne Hill H13:59
M Bizio Belgrave H14:00
P New HerculesWimb14:00
J Laker AldershotF&D14:01
H Workman Woking AC14:03
David North Belgrave H14:05
A Gibbons Thames H&H14:06
E Cotton Herne Hill H14:06
M Woods AldershotF&D14:06
J Stegner Herne Hill H14:07
Dave Cowan Boxhill Racers 14:08
Francis Upcott South London14:11
Tony Harran Herne Hill H14:14
J Artez HerculesWimb14:16
A Shryrane HerculesWimb14:16
D Curwell AldershotF&D14:17
E Thomas Met PoliceAC14:20
Martin Preston South London14:22
S Crawte AldershotF&D14:23
R Jacobs Herne Hill H14:26
D Anderson Belgrave H14:26
John Roberts South London14:27
M Harris Herne Hill H14:29
S Ketsina Herne Hill H14:30
D Warner AldershotF&D14:31
S Harvey Met PoliceAC14:36
Michael Treadwell Mitcham&Sutt14:36
D Williams HerculesWimb14:36
J Forrest Ranelagh H14:37
B Owen South London14:38
P Rowe Boxhill Racers 14:38
W Shone Herne Hill H14:40
M Pearce Ranelagh H14:42
R Turner Thames H&H14:44
G Whitston Ranelagh H14:47
S Clarke Ranelagh H14:47
M Lawther AldershotF&D14:48
G McGurren Belgrave H14:49
W Harvey Ranelagh H14:58
M Murphy AldershotF&D14:58
Nikolai Belcher South London15:03
G Holt Mitcham&Sutt15:05
Dave Bryant Croydon H15:07
S John Met PoliceAC15:13
M Hope Thames H&H15:15
R Thorne Waverley H15:16
T Austin HerculesWimb15:17
J Smith Ranelagh H15:17
S Newlands South London15:20
J Watts AldershotF&D15:20
D Stephens Waverley H15:21
L Ingold Ranelagh H15:24
Stan Allen Herne Hill H15:25
A Lester Woking AC15:26
Steve Rowland Ranelagh H15:26
C Naisk Ranelagh H15:26
S Bird Ranelagh H15:29
D Chinchen Met PoliceAC15:30
P Finch Waverley H15:30
P Brown Mitcham&Sutt15:32
Paul Mongan South London15:32
G Turner HerculesWimb15:36
J Sperryn Ranelagh H15:36
R Auerback Ranelagh H15:36
M Ennis HerculesWimb15:44
S Webb HerculesWimb15:52
Mick Firth South London15:59
A Caseley Thames H&H16:00
P Thatcher Mitcham&Sutt16:01
I Isherwood HerculesWimb16:02
K Snelling HerculesWimb16:09
I Camfield Waverley H16:10
D Jenkins Ranelagh H16:12
Pete Mulholland HerculesWimb16:14
N Lewis Ranelagh H16:31
M Valentine Met PoliceAC16:33
D Webster HerculesWimb16:39
A Pittock Woking AC17:00
J Hanscomb Ranelagh H17:00
P Still Mitcham&Sutt17:04
B Cane Thames H&H17:08
A Dippie Woking AC17:38
A Prosser Ranelagh H17:48
K Thatcher Mitcham&Sutt20:30
J Hills Ranelagh H22:27

Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5Stage 6
00:13:13HerculesWimb 'A'00:26:45AldershotF&D 'B'00:40:07Boxhill Racers 'A'00:53:40Boxhill Racers 'A'01:07:22Boxhill Racers 'A'01:20:40Woking AC 'A'
00:13:15AldershotF&D 'B'00:26:51Boxhill Racers 'A'00:40:18Woking AC 'A'00:54:04Woking AC 'A'01:07:35Woking AC 'A'01:20:57Boxhill Racers 'A'
00:13:30Boxhill Racers 'A'00:27:08Ranelagh H 'A'00:40:37AldershotF&D 'B'00:54:12AldershotF&D 'B'01:08:01AldershotF&D 'B'01:22:07AldershotF&D 'B'
00:13:43Waverley H 'A'00:27:19Woking AC 'A'00:41:16HerculesWimb 'A'00:55:34Boxhill Racers 'B'01:09:41Herne Hill H 'A'01:23:27Herne Hill H 'A'
00:13:49Ranelagh H 'B'00:27:29HerculesWimb 'A'00:41:35Boxhill Racers 'B'00:55:42Herne Hill H 'A'01:09:42Boxhill Racers 'B'01:24:20Boxhill Racers 'B'
00:13:51Croydon H 'A'00:27:38Waverley H 'A'00:41:36Herne Hill H 'A'00:56:12South London 'B'01:10:33HerculesWimb 'A'01:25:09HerculesWimb 'A'
00:13:52Ranelagh H 'A'00:27:41Boxhill Racers 'B'00:41:45Ranelagh H 'A'00:56:32Ranelagh H 'A'01:10:50South London 'B'01:26:22South London 'B'
00:13:57Boxhill Racers 'B'00:28:21Herne Hill H 'A'00:42:33South London 'B'00:56:33HerculesWimb 'A'01:11:05Belgrave H 'A'01:26:31Ranelagh H 'A'
00:13:58Woking AC 'A'00:28:24AldershotF&D 'C'00:42:46Thames H&H 'A'00:56:39Belgrave H 'A'01:11:14Ranelagh H 'A'01:27:29Herne Hill H 'B'
00:13:59Herne Hill H 'B'00:28:29Herne Hill H 'B'00:42:54Belgrave H 'A'00:57:24Herne Hill H 'B'01:12:04Herne Hill H 'B'01:28:01AldershotF&D 'C'
00:14:03Woking AC 'B'00:28:38South London 'B'00:42:55AldershotF&D 'C'00:58:01Thames H&H 'A'01:13:03AldershotF&D 'C'01:29:48Met PoliceAC 'B'
00:14:06Thames H&H 'A'00:28:47Ranelagh H 'B'00:42:58Herne Hill H 'B'00:58:02Met PoliceAC 'B'01:14:35Met PoliceAC 'B'01:29:55Waverley H 'A'
00:14:07Herne Hill H 'A'00:28:49Belgrave H 'A'00:43:34Ranelagh H 'B'00:58:15AldershotF&D 'C'01:14:36Ranelagh H 'B'01:30:12Ranelagh H 'B'
00:14:16HerculesWimb 'C'00:28:50Thames H&H 'A'00:43:48Waverley H 'A'00:59:09Waverley H 'A'01:14:39Waverley H 'A'01:31:09Thames H&H 'A'
00:14:17AldershotF&D 'D'00:28:58Croydon H 'A'00:44:26Met PoliceAC 'B'00:59:10Ranelagh H 'B'01:15:09Thames H&H 'A'01:36:07HerculesWimb 'B'
00:14:22South London 'C'00:29:25South London 'C'00:44:45South London 'C'01:00:44South London 'C'01:20:15HerculesWimb 'B'01:38:48Mitcham&Sutt 'B'
00:14:23AldershotF&D 'C'00:29:29Woking AC 'B'00:45:13Mitcham&Sutt 'B'01:01:14Mitcham&Sutt 'B'01:20:36Ranelagh H 'C'01:43:03Ranelagh H 'C'
00:14:27South London 'B'00:30:06Met PoliceAC 'B'00:46:29Woking AC 'B'01:03:36Ranelagh H 'C'01:21:44Mitcham&Sutt 'B'
00:14:49Belgrave H 'A'00:30:25HerculesWimb 'C'00:47:05Ranelagh H 'C'01:04:01HerculesWimb 'B'
00:15:05Mitcham&Sutt 'B'00:30:37Mitcham&Sutt 'B'00:47:22HerculesWimb 'B'01:04:07Woking AC 'B'
00:15:24Ranelagh H 'C'00:30:53Ranelagh H 'C'
00:15:30Met PoliceAC 'B'00:31:38HerculesWimb 'B'
00:16:02HerculesWimb 'B'00:33:14Ranelagh H 'D'
00:17:48Ranelagh H 'D'

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